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Versions API

This extension allows you to create separate versions of the api. At the same time, the prefix specified during version initialization is added to the url of the main API.

Creating second version API

As an example, let's add a version to the previous example from the Minimal API section.
from fastapi import FastAPI
from uvicorn import run

from fastapi_restful import RESTExtension, Resource, RESTExtension

app = FastAPI()
api = RESTExtension(app)

class FirstResource(Resource):
    def get(self):
        return {'first': 'resource'}

class SecondResource(Resource):
    def get(self):
        return {'second': 'resource'}

v2 = RESTExtension(prefix='v2')
v2.add_resource(SecondResource, path='/second-resource')

api.add_resource(FirstResource, path='/first-resource')

if __name__ == '__main__':
The SecondResource class is declared by analogy with FirstResource.

A new version of the API with the prefix v2 has been created and the SecondResource class and the path by which it can be accessed have been added to it

As a result, two routes will be registered:

  • GET /api/first-resource/
  • GET /api/v2/second-resource/


Нou can get an instance of RESTExtension using the __getitem__ method from the RESTExtension instance by a prefix.

>>> api_v2 = api.create_version('v2')
>>> api['v2'] is api_v2